Monday, April 30, 2007

3 Ways To Improve Your Adsense Earnings

Google adsense is the easiest way to monetize a website or blog. It's free to join. This post teaches you 3 best techniques to improve your adsense earnings. This blog entry is for those people who have already using adsense in their websites or blog.

  • Maximum usage of Adsense
  • Adsense backgrounds
  • Image and Video Adsense ads

1 . Maximum Use of Adsense

If google says that we can use 3 ad units and 1 link units then use them to maximum benefits. There is no meaning in using less ads . Try to make most out of them. The more ads you use more clicks you will get. This is the simplest technique which will increase your clickthru rate. At the same time make sure that you do not crowd your page with ads. Place them at different places.

Always place your adsense ads at the top. Do not hide your ads from your visitors. Give them maximum exposure. More they get viewed better the chance of getting clicked.

2 . Adsense backgrounds

The basic requirement of making money with adsense is to make your visitors click your ads.This can be done by increasing the clickthru rate.An old technique is to use images beside google ads. But it was not allowed by Google TOS.

The option is to use background images. I increased my adsense clickthru rate by 40% when i started using attractive backgrounds for ads. This does not violate google TOS also.

click here to get 100 attractive adsense background images like the one above.

3. Image and Video Ads

Google adsense also allows publishers to display image and video ads. Image and video ads a higher conversion rate than text ads. I would rather say video ads will be future of internet advertising. Google has recently bought Doubleclick an online ad firm for 3.1 billion dollars.

So if you have the option of using video ads why to hesitate. They are more attractive and have higher clickthru rate.

These are the 3 technique which improve your adsense earnings by a large volume

Monday, April 2, 2007

What is Google Sandbox and how to avoid sandbox effect

Google Sandbox is the latest buzz among the webmasters. There is still no official confirmation from google whether such a thing exists or not. The sandbox effect started when google released an update a couple of years ago. Sandbox is the biggest worry for new websites.

The sandbox effect is a theory that newly created websites are placed in sandbox in the indexes of google until such time is deemed appropriate before a ranking can commence. This means that the newly created websites will not rank for highly competitive keywords until a specific period of time around 9 months. Not all the sites go into sandbox. There are many sites that escape from sandbox and get into google index within a week. It all depends on the keyword it targets and the quality of content and inbound links.

Matt Cutts works for quality group in google, specializing in search engine optimizing related issues. Matt once said that there isn’t a sandbox, but the algorithm might affect some sites, under some circumstances, in a way that a webmaster would perceive as being sandboxed.

How to avoid the sandbox effect?

Best way to escape from sandbox is to target less competitive keywords. Websites that get into sandbox are sites which target highly competitive keywords. If you target less competitive keywords or long phrases then your chances of getting sandboxed is very less.

Only newly created domains get into sandbox. So try to buy old domains or domains that have recently expired. This is the easiest technique to avoid google sandbox. Now you can even target highly competitive keywords and google will not sandbox you.

There are also other options like the use of sub-domains and deep linking. Try deep linking strategies. This will make your pages rank well even if your site is sandboxed. Try to get links from edu and gov domains. If you do this your site will earn the trust of google and not be sandboxed.